Cybersecurity Firm Relocates Federal Office from Bethesda to Reston

WASHINGTON BUSINESS JOURNAL: A Kirkland, Washington, cybersecurity firm has swapped its local federal office in Bethesda for a new location in Reston that is more than twice the size of its former space.

Tanium, whose software is used throughout the Department of Defense and other governmental agencies to monitor networking systems, has taken over the entire 10th floor — 12,850 square feet — at 11800 Sunrise Valley Drive. Tanium previously occupied about 5,500 square feet at the Capital Gateway office park at 6700A Rockledge Drive in Bethesda.

The new office, which comes with 360-degree views of Reston and the surrounding region, now serves as the base of local operations for more than 50 Tanium employees throughout the region. The company signed a five-year lease in the Reston Heights building, owned by American Real Estate Partners, but declined to share financial details of the deal.

Jake Semones, director of global real estate and workplace atTanium, told me the company had been scouting for larger digs in Greater Washington to accommodate its growth and chose Northern Virginia because that’s where many of its employees live. He declined to share if Virginia or Fairfax County offered any incentives for the company’s relocation.

“If we’re going to encourage people to come into the office, if people are going to come into the office, ease of use [isimportant],” he said. “How easy is it to park, where is it located, what does traffic look like, when you get into the space, what’s available to you?”

The company, which has roughly 2,000 workers globally, generally encourages staff to be in the office three days a week. At the new offices, Tanium will be offering free lunches, a stacked pantry, upgraded audio and video amenities — and much-improved views. 

“We have a full floor, which is something we did not have at our previous location in Bethesda,” he said in a video interview. “We’re high up, views are always — we’re trying to make the office an accommodating place to be given today’s day and age.”

The opening of the new office comes during the same weekthat Tanium is hosting its second FedCyber Exchange event,where executives will meet with clients from across the federal government to discuss the latest trends in cybersecurity readiness and response. The event will be held Thursday at Convene at 1201 Wilson Blvd. in Rosslyn.


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