Central Committee Working to Appoint New District 25 Delegate

WASHINGTON INFORMER: With the retirement of District 25 Delegate Darryl Barnes (D) comes a vacancy in the Maryland General Assembly and an appointment by the Prince George’s County Democratic Central Committee. The former chair of the Legislative Black Caucus and an advocate for minority businesses will be leaving the legislature to become a lobbying partner to Gerry Evans. 

Among those who filed for the appointment are Central Committee Chair Kent Roberson (D), former Delegate Angela Angel (D), District 25 Central Committee Member John Richardson (D), former County Council candidate Jonathan White, and Stanley Onye. This appointment is of particular interest as District 25 has one of the highest vote thresholds to win a Democratic primary anywhere in the state. Barnes is supporting Roberson for the appointment. 

“Based on his years of experience and the demographics of Team 25, Roberson is the right person at the right time for this position,” Barnes told The Informer.

Roberson would be one of the younger delegates in the General Assembly if appointed. 

Delegates Julian Ivey (D-District 47), Ashanti Martinez (D-District 22), and Jeffrie Long (D-District 27) are some of the current representatives from Prince George’s who are part of the millennial or Gen Z generations. 

With his age, Roberson could acquire tenure and potentially earn a leadership position, as did former District 25 Delegate Dereck E. Davis (D), who entered the General Assembly at age 27 and eventually led the Economic Matters Committee before becoming State Treasurer.

“I am thankful to have the support of Delegate Barnes and the entire District 25 team as I submit my name for consideration by the Prince George’s County Democratic Central Committee. I look forward to continuing my work that was begun five years ago with the Democratic Central Committee to serve in this new capacity by legislating for a better tomorrow for the residents of District 25, Prince George’s County, and the entire State of Maryland,” said Roberson shortly after receiving the official endorsement from Barnes. 

“I am excited to be in the running to return to the Maryland House of Delegates and take up the important work that we accomplished during my time representing the people of District 25,” said former Delegate Angel in an email. “I am the only candidate under consideration with experience in Annapolis. The people of District 25 need someone with experience, ready to get to work on day one. There is no candidate more qualified to fight for the people of District 25.”

The appointment process has been criticized for favoring candidates with ties to elected officials. Across Maryland, Central Committee appointments by both Democrats and Republicans represent a large share of Annapolis legislators. Studies by good government groups have indicated that nearly one out of every three legislators came to Annapolis by appointment.

Photo: **FILE** Darryl Barnes attends his last major event as chair of the Maryland Legislative Black Caucus, the largest state-level Black caucus in the country. (Anthony Tilghman/The Washington Informer)


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